outubro 11, 2006


And you open the door and you step inside
Inside our hearts

Now imagine your pain as a
White ball of healing light

That's right : Your pain, the pain itself
Is a white ball of healing light

I don't think so

This is your life
Good to the last drop
Doesn't get any better than this

This is your life
And it's ending one moment at a time

This isn't a seminar, this isn't a weekend retreat
Were you're at, now, you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like

Only after disaster can we be resurrected
It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything

Nothing is static. Everything is evolving.
Everything is falling apart (even the Mona Lisa is falling apart)

This is you life. Doesn't get any better than this.
This is you life. And it's ending one minute at a time.

You're not a beatiful and unique snowflake
You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else

We are all a part of the same compost heap
We're the all-singing all-dancing crap of the world

You are not you bank account
You are not the clothes you wear
You are not the contents of your wallet
You are not your bowel cancer
You are not your grande latte
You are not the car you drive
You are not your fucking khakis

You have to give up

You have to realise that someday you will die
Until you know that you are useless

I say : Let me never be complete
I say : May I never be content
I say : Deliver me from swedish furniture
I say : Deliver me from clever art
I say : Deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
I say : You have to give up
I say : Evolve, and let the chips fall where they may

Welcome to fight club
If this is your first night
You have to fight

I've met G across his long walnut desk with his diplomas hanging on the wall behind him, and G asks me, "Why?"

Why did I cause so much pain?
Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?
Can't I see how we're all manifestations of love?

I look at G behind his desk, taking notes on a pad, but G's got this all wrong.

We are not special.
We are not crap or trash, either.
We just are.
We just are, and what happens just happens.


Blogger Rui Maia disse...

Pah desculpa-me lá porque este comment nao tem mesmo nada a ver com o tema , mas queria-te dar os parabens pelo comment feito no Blasfemias sobre a "rixa" entre os GF e o Amorim, eu sei que já faz muito tempo mas só agora soube do caso...Entre tanta merda escrita sobre aquilo encontrei finalmente um comment sobrio coerente e isento!!

Anonymous Anónimo disse...


Parabéns pelo blog e, se queres aproveitar esses neurónios reactivos dando-lhes algum treino vai a:


Blogger Rivera disse...

Adoro! Amo! Venero este filme! :)

Blogger Tânia disse...

Excelente filme...
Excelente blog...
Excelente Post...

;) Passei por aqui naquela.. mas o teu post sobre o Fight Club deixou-me presa. Acreditas que vi o FC umas 20 vezes e nunca me cansei de ouvir essa cena?
A tempos tb escrevi um post sobre o FC, um dos meus filmes favoritos.. s kiseres passa la para ler.
;) stay cool

Anonymous Anónimo disse...

ola :)
li um post teu num blog (desses por aí perdidos), em que se falava do codigo da vinci. muito sinceramente nao sei ate que ponto concordo contigo...dado o facto que os teus gostos musicais, dos que vi, 50% é musica feita por encomenda, com notas que se "aprendem na escolinha". eu sou musico de uma banda de "musica por encomenda" e sei bem o que isso é!acho que aquele comentario perde toda a sua credibilidade ao ver alguns dos teus gostos musicais.é so a minha opiniao.
á parte disso...gostei bastante do teu blogg. é interessante:)

Blogger o monstro disse...

Tyler é Deus


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